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Check out our latest offerings...
Women's Only Event
This full day experience will RELEASE, UNCOVER, ACTIVATE and ASCEND your heart, your body and soul to the next level version of YOU and what's required for what's coming.
Come back home to your remembrance, heal wounds that once made you feel unsafe and shift how you view & feel around men.
Have you ever wondered why others seem to manifest like a boss while you're manifesting all the things YOU DON'T WANT???? WHAT???
Join Krissy, the Manifesting Queen, as she shares her top secrets on truly creating what you want!
Homeschool Classes
Unschooling teenage girls back to the wisdom of their bodies, building self confidence and worthininess from withIN.
Unprogramming unworthiness, lack of self worth and comparison withIN our young women. To confident, empowered, expressive young women.
Connecting to their INNER wisdom & activating their voices to know, express & honour healthy boundaries.
Are you ready to change the results in your life, honour your emotion, shift stories with no judgement and come back into UNION with yourself and thus others?
This 6 week LIVE online program will dive deep into your unconscious patterns, beliefs, focus and help you REWIRE your neurology.
An intimate 3 day fully immersive, ACTION taking Business Bootcamp.
Tailored to YOUR needs in automation, systemisation and looking at business from an energetic realm, not just the 3D.
This is a bootcamp is to take ACTION & gain CLARITY on the impact you're here to make. It's already done.
Are you ready to claim the service you're here to offer the world?
5 Day Full Immersive Retreat to connect deeper to your Masculine Fire, Feminine Flow, nurture your Inner Child & Rebirth Your Wild Woman.
With incredible special guest facilitators, including a conscious dance party to celebrate, we are honoured to connect & bring you back home to YOUR WILDNESS.
Meet the Manifesting Queen, Rebel of Receiving who has turned her life from darkness to devotion, pain to purpose and truly CREATES and RECEIVES everything she calls in that is in alignment, and lets go of everything that is not! She is excited to be sharing this space and guiding you through the unblocking of what was, to RECEIVE what is.